Frontend Web Developer/ Software Engineer
Programming is not only my job, it’s also my passion. I’m a creative developer with 8 years of experience building and designing websites for a variety of satisfied clients. I’m looking to use my talents to help a skilled and cohesive team take on new challenges and meet the demands of an ever-evolving software landscape.
I thrive when I’m working with people who communicate clearly and don’t let programming ego get in the way of helping a team work effectively. I enjoy pair programming and my favorite types of coders are those who value getting the job done over winning an argument.
Selected Work Experience
Futuristic Films
April 2014 - December 2014
- Created a work gallery that dynamically loads vimeo videos with AJAX and allows deep-linking of individual videos
- Implemented an HTML5 video slider and HTML5 video background elements on multiple pages
- Included jQuery parallax effects, an animated, filterable AJAX video gallery, and a unique custom nav-bar highlight animation
Freelance (as Hendeca Design)
June 2008-Present
- Eight years of experience designing and developing responsive websites for a variety of clients
- Extensive experience with HTML, CSS, Javascript, jQuery, AJAX, Wordpress, PHP, Grunt, Webpack, SASS, LESS, Foundation
- Worked with designers and clients to turn detailed design documents into accurate and performant live websites
Client: Nike
April 2013 - July 2013
- Worked with a skilled team of developers and designers on-site at HUGE Inc. for an enterprise-level web app for Nike
- Used AngularJS to create a rich front-end app by pulling data from API endpoints provided by a Rails backend
- Used the D3.js library to create animated data visualizations
November 2015 - June 2016
- Worked on a large, complex, high-traffic web app writing Javascript, CSS, HTML, and PHP
- Helped to improve and organize a large legacy codebase to reduce bloat and improve readability for future developers
- Collaborated with other developers via Git and implemented new features based on design documents from the design team
April 2016 - July 2016
- Created an animation-rich wordpress website for the Denver-based motion graphics company spillt
- Wrote a custom Wordpress theme that allowed the client to easily edit and add information from the Wordpress dashboard
- Used CSS transitions and jQuery plugins to bring designs to life and create a filterable, sleek portfolio gallery
- Leveraged Grunt to automate css preprocssing, javascript linting, minification, and image optimization
- SUNY Purchase - Purchase, NY 2004-2005
- CU Boulder - Boulder, CO 2005-2008
Extracurricular/Side Projects
My portfolio website was built using Jekyll, the static page generator along with Webpack to minify, lint, compile SASS, and autoprefix. The vanilla JS plugin BaguetteBox was used for the lightbox galleries. The design was conceived in Adobe Photoshop, and the fonts used are Rubik One (titles) and Raleway (body copy).
Emoji Royale
( web app that asks users to vote for emojis in a number of odd situations and displays statistics based on user votes.
- Built using Express on the backend and React JS on the frontend
- Uses Webpack and Babel to transpile ES6 Javascript code
( didn't create Codewars, but I use it often to sharpen my coding skills. Codewars is a website that features coding exercises (called Katas) in many different languages. Users earn honor points and rank up by completing Katas. Other users’ solutions are viewable, showing different approaches to the same problem.
Electronics & Microcontrollers
LED Piano with CymaSpace and Piano Push Play
I helped program a sound-reactive LED piano for CymaSpace’s collaboration with Piano Push Play. I wrote Arduino code which was run on a Teensy 3.1 microcontroller. I learned so much and got to play the finished product at OMSI’s “OMSI After Dark” event!
Graphics Programming & Procedural Graphics
Motion graphics programming for Webster Hall’s House Party NYC
Using Processing, the Java-based graphical programming language, I created 5 video clips for the Brooklyn-based company Sick Visual for the House Party NYC event at Webster Hall. Some of the Procesing classes I used in making the clips are available on my Github page.